Bognor/Chichester CTC Club Ride Notes
Friday, 3 February 2006
Lanzarote. Tuesday 31 January. Cyclepath near Airport

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 11:45 AM GMT
Lanzarote. Wednesday 1 February. Volcano near the National Park

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 11:36 AM GMT
Sunday, 29 January 2006
Sunday 29 January - Walberton start
Jill and Harvie set out from Walberton at 10:00 am and took the Madehurst route to Whiteways, then through Amberley to the Willow Cafe at Bury for a coffee break. They continued through Bignor to Tiffins Cafe in Petworth where they met the Chichester Group. The weather was cold and windy with clear skies. They returned with the Chichester group though Cocking.

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 9:45 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 29 January 2006 9:48 PM GMT
Sunday 29 January - Chichester Start
Only Phil & Mary were at the Cross at 9:30 which provided the flexibility to return via Runcton to replace a squeaking front wheel, and then take a route out through Tangmere. crossing the A27 and continuing up the hill to Upwaltham, down Duncton Hill, and into the lanes between Duncton and Sutton.

It was a clear, bright day, but with a cold northerly wind which made progress towards the north a struggle at times. We had one interesting encounter with two skittish horses that danced around in the road when they saw bicycles. We continued to Tiffins Cafe in Petworth where we met Richard who had mistaken the start time but still managed to arrive in Petworth ahead of us after negotiating the same skittish horses. We were then joined by Adrian, and a short time later Harvie and Jill arrived from Walberton.

We returned together toward halfway house and then took the Heyshott Road and the dirty lane up to the back of Cocking where we had tea at the Moonlight Cafe. Over Cocking Hill, Harvie went East from Singleton, Adrian disappeared towards Portsmouth, Jill, Richard and Phil & Mary continued down the Centurion Way back to Chichester - Richard being delayed by a puncture.

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 9:45 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 29 January 2006 9:53 PM GMT
Friday, 27 January 2006
Lanzarote, Monday 23 January to Thursday 26 January
Monday 23 January

Monday was cloudy but dry with temperatures up to 18C. I got in a good hard bike ride with first a 1100ft climb to the central plateau and then down the main route towards Teguise but turning off on a byroad to descend back to sea level on the far coast at Famara overshadowed by towering 2000ft cliffs. Then a hard uphill climb into the wind via Soo, Tiagua and Masdache to return back via Tias.

38 miles today and 2300ft of climb

Tuesday 24 January

Today there was light rain most of the day so I decided I needed a rest day!!

Wednesday 25 January

Wednesday was a great sunny day with temperatures up to 21C. Today I took another ride over to the far coast but using different lanes. I rode via Tiagua and then a billiard smooth descent to Soo and then down to the coast near Club La Santa (a complex full of cyclists) Then up via Tinajo to the craters and lava fields and a great fast descent back to base via La Asomada. The afternoon was spent sunbathing on the terrace. 37 miles for the day and 2400ft of climbing.

Thursday 26 January

Alan and Liz and taken their hired bikes back and yesterday they hired a car for the rest of their trip. Today they drove over to my apartment for elevenses and then we took a drive round some of the sights of the SW corner of the Island. Weather was warm and sunny most of the day reaching 19C but with one short shower in the middle of the day.

We first went to view El Golfo Crater followed by lunch at a seafront restaurant in El Golfo Village. Then on down the coast to Los Hervideros where the sea has eroded caverns under the lava cliffs. Today the Atlantic rollers were very big pounding over the rocks. Then on to Playa Blanca for tea and cake at a seafront cafe


Posted by Ride Leader at 9:55 AM GMT
Updated: Friday, 27 January 2006 9:58 AM GMT
Lanzarote. Wednesday 25 January. Descending towards village of Soo

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 9:36 AM GMT
Lanzarote. Wednesday 25 January. Club La Santa

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 9:36 AM GMT
Lanzarote. Thursday 26 January.Waves pound Las Hervideros

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 9:36 AM GMT
Lanzarote. Thursday 26 January.Alan and Liz on Playa Blanca Seafront

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 9:36 AM GMT
Tuesday, 24 January 2006
Sunday 22 January. Lanzarote. Costa Teguise.
Today I met up with Alan and Liz again and then we all joined Avryl and her friend who had arrived in Lanzarote for a week last Thursday.

Weather was warm and sunny with temperatures reaching 21C.

I cycled over to Tahiche and met up with Alan and Liz who had cycled over from Costa Teguise. We had elevenses at the cafe for the Cesar Manique Foundation. We then had a look round the Museum which is the former house of the famous sculptor, Architect and Painter. The house is built on a Lava Field with a lower level built out of small caves created from Lava bubbles.

We then cycled down to Costa Teguise to meet up for a lengthy Restaurant meal on a warm sunny terrace with Avryl and her friend before a short walk round to their nearby apartment for tea..

My mileage for the day was 31 with 2100ft of climb.


Posted by Ride Leader at 10:14 AM GMT
View from Cesar Manrique House

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 10:09 AM GMT
Riding to Costa Teguise

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 10:09 AM GMT
Tea at Avryl's

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 10:09 AM GMT
Sunday, 22 January 2006
22 January - Walberton start - Limeburners' Arms, Newbridge near Billingshurst
3 women (Jill, Anne & Mary) and two men (Jeff & Phil) met at Walberton Pond on a clear but cold morning to tackle the challenging ride to Newbridge and back. The temperature rose slowly as we rode, but it was still jolly cold when we stopped for coffee at the RSPB at Pulborough Brooks having followed the usual route out through Amberley and Rackam. Our leader decided to try the off-road route due north from the RSPB turning at the White Horse and following the road across the A29 to eventually pick up the bridleway to cross the river by the old stone bridge. The bridleway was passable - on foot - but the four bikes were caked with sticky mud by the time we reached the main road near Wisborough Green, and we had several stops to clear the mud from mudguards and pedals during the rest of the day.

Turning right at the main road, we soon reached the Limeburners where a large Horsham group were already on their second round of drinks and starting into their food. We ordered ours and exchanged pleasantries with the Horsham group.

After lunch, we returned to Wisborough Green and then took the minor road over the hills to Fittleworth, taking care to avoid the low-flying owls as usual. From Fittleworth we headed in a slightly round-about way to Bury where we stopped at the tearooms for afternoon tea. We then headed across to climb Houghton Hill to Whiteways and then on to the spur where we parted company with Anne and Jill returning via Barnham, and Mary, Phil & Jeff heading down the main road to Eastergate.

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 6:54 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 22 January 2006 7:46 PM GMT
Sunday 22 January - Chichester start
A clear, cold, sunny day but only six turned out. We welcomed a new rider Dave Rang. The route out was via Eastergate and Barnham to Arundel for coffee. We sat outside the Edible Bread Company Cafe by the river where we were met by Eric. We continued towards Littlehampton - an unusual
destination for us. We crossed the Littlehampton footbridge for lunch by the river at the Look and See Centre cafe which was very pleasant. We returned home via Yapton, Walberton, Aldingbourne and Tangmere. It was good day out for this time of year.

Richard Carlise

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 12:01 AM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 29 January 2006 9:47 PM GMT

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