Bognor/Chichester CTC Club Ride Notes
Sunday, 11 December 2005
Sunday 11 December. Cold start at Chichester Cross

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 5:39 PM GMT
Sunday 11 December, 8.00 am Chichester Cross, Appetite Improver Ride to Manor Garden Centre, Runcton.

Edwin led this ride and was joined by Phil and Mary and Sam. The weather was a day of extremes with bright sunny skies near the coast changing to thick fog and frost over the downs. The difference was very noticeable coming back with temperatures changing from 0C on the north side of Duncton Hill to 8C in the sunshine on the south side.

With worries about early ice the outward route kept to gritted roads as much as possible heading up the B road to the Trundle and then along the ridge. At this stage there were still clear blue skies with the sun lighting up the occasional mist patch. The ridge road had not been gritted and was covered with a white layer of frost marred by only a few car tracks. There were great views down towards the coast with mist patches lit by the low sun. The East Dean Valley was buried in a thick fog layer with the sunlit hills rising above it.

We descended down the main Petworth Road into the fog and the icy cold started to penetrate even my many layers protecting the extremities. (3 pairs of gloves. 2 socks and 2 overshoes) As we headed on to the top of Duncton Hill the road rose above the fog back into sunshine but the descent of Duncton soon brought us back into the fog.

We continued to Petworth on the main road and arrived at Tiffins at 9.45. The cafe opened at 10.00 but the kind lady invited us in to warm up. We were joined by John Maxim and Brian and Sue from Arun Adur stopping off on the way to the Arun Adur Lunch stop at Wisborough Green.

We returned on byroads to the base of Duncton hill and then up and over back into the sunshine. Then a direct route via Halnacker, Tangmere and Merston to lunch at Manor Garden Centre. With some coming direct and 16 on the short ride there were 28 at the Christmas Lunch.


remote Posted by Ride Leader at 5:39 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 11 December 2005 5:59 PM GMT
Sunday 11 December. Looking towards the coast from the Ridge.

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 5:39 PM GMT
Sunday 11 December.Top of Duncton

Sunday 11 December.Wintry scene on the way back. Byroad nr Duncton

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 5:39 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 11 December 2005 6:55 PM GMT
Sunday 11 December. 10.30 Chichester Cross start. Ride to Manor Nurseries, Runcton.

Alan led this ride to the Clubs Christmas Lunch and was joined by 15 other members. Weather was cold but sunny all day, later reaching 8C.

The route took in Clay lane before turning south towards Bosham and a stop at Hilliers Garden Centre cafe on the main road for elevenses.

The ride continued with a loop on byroads west of Bosham before returning to Chichester taking in cycle routes and then heading south to Runcton.

With some members making their own way and also meeting up with the fast group at Runcton the total numbers attending the lunch was 28.


remote Posted by Ride Leader at 5:23 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 11 December 2005 5:37 PM GMT
Sunday 11 December. Arthur and Lynn at Manor Garden Centre

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 5:23 PM GMT
Sunday, 4 December 2005
Sunday 4 December, Walberton Pond to the Rising Sun, Nutbourne.
7 of us met at Walberton Pond being myself (Edwin) Phil and Mary, Richard, Anne, Gill and Mike. Chris had a puncture en route to the start and met us at elevenses and Tom and Eric met us later at the Pub making 10 out on the day.

The weather started cloudy but dry with tantalising glimpses of blue sky to the west and north. Temperatures got up to about 8C.We headed out via Madehurst and then a fast descent down Bury Hill to stop for elevenses at the Barn by the Willow Cafe, Bury, They were just bringing out signs saying “Closed, fully booked” which was due to a big lunch party but they kindly agreed to serve us coffees.

We continued on lanes round the back via Coates and then across to Coldwaltham. We crossed the Arun which was fill to overflowing due to the recent rains. We then continued past Wiggonholt and up to Nutbourne. At the Pub as well as Tom and Eric we met Brian and Sue and John Maxim from Arun Adur.

After lunch the skies cleared to produce a bright but low Sun for the rest of the afternoon. The return ride was the standard route via Amberley and Houghton Hill with a stop for tea at the outdoor cafe at Whiteways car park.


remote Posted by Ride Leader at 5:12 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 4 December 2005 5:21 PM GMT
Meeting at Walberton Pond

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 5:02 PM GMT
Top of the Hill from Madehurst

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 5:02 PM GMT
Leaving the the Rising Sun at Nutbourne

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 4:58 PM GMT
Sunday, 27 November 2005
Sunday 27th November Chichester to Wyevale Garden Centre, Pulborough
A 9.30 start from Chi Cross means the stand -in leader should leave Selsey by 8.45 and as usual he leaves at 9.00, so a fast ride needed to meet up with 4 members(Gillian,Richard ,Chris and Mike) on an overcast day.

The pace slowed considerably (but well done Mike for coming out on a ride over the downs). Jeff used a cycle route through the city that avoids the main roads out to Westhampnett. Quiet lanes to Goodwood ridge and then the inevitable bit of A road before turning off at the bottom of Duncton hill to enjoy the quiet lanes and glimpses of winter sun to Coates and Fittleworth.

Early lunch stop at Wyevale Garden Centre while we waited for others to drift in from Walberton and Littlehampton. Altogether we were at least a dozen.

A return route via Pulborough town and Greatham bridge, Amberley and Whiteways kiosk for tea and a wad (Scottish expression) Westergate and Oving provided a different route back Worth getting out of bed for!.


remote Posted by Ride Leader at 12:01 AM GMT
Updated: Thursday, 8 December 2005 12:27 PM GMT
Sunday, 20 November 2005
Sunday 20 November, stop at West Ashling Pond

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 4:34 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 20 November 2005 4:40 PM GMT
Sunday 20 November, elevenses at Compton

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 4:30 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 20 November 2005 4:40 PM GMT
Sunday, 13 November 2005
Sunday 13 November. Walberton Pond Start, ride to the Royal Oak, Midhurst.
Colin led the Ride from the Pond and was joined by Phil and Mary, Edwin, Harvey, Gill and Sam.

Weather was bright at first but clouding over and quite cold getting to about 10C with a strong NE wind.

Lanes were taken via Fontwell and Eartham and then up to the Downs and a ride along the ridge to Pillygreen. The ride then continued to East Dean and Singleton and a stop for elevenses and a warm up at the Moonlight Cafe, Cocking.

The enormous slices of Cake supplied by the Cafe were consumed with relish. After half an hour the Chichester start riders arrived being Arthur, Eric, Mike Dunn, Richard, Avryl and Jan.

From Cocking the Chichester group went direct while the Walberton group took a longer loop via Stedham. At the Pub we were joined by Chris who came direct making a total of 14 out on the day. We also met some Arun Adur riders being Brian, Sue, Graham and John Maxim.

Some of the Chichester group headed back direct while Chris, Richard and John joined Colin’s group to head back on lanes via Heyshott and a stop for tea at West Dean Gardens Cafe.

Mileage from and to the Pond was about 50. From and to Pagham was 58.

Edwin for Colin

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 5:51 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 13 November 2005 6:52 PM GMT
Elevenses at the Moonlight Cafe, Cocking

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 5:49 PM GMT

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