Bognor/Chichester CTC Club Ride Notes
Sunday, 15 January 2006
Sunday 15th January. Lanzarote. Circuit to Mount Tarnia.

Weather started cloudy but soon cleared to sunny skies. Temperatures reached 20C. After hard rides the previous two days I undecided on a shorter ride today.

I took a minor road up to Tias and bypassed the town to the west taking another minor road under the Motorway and then further up to the village of Conil. A little above the village I came to the high point at 1180ft. I was now on the high volcanic plateau in the centre of the Island. The landscape was harsh and rocky but I spotted one tree with the red cone of Caldera Colorada in the distance.

I continued to the main Uga to Teguise road at Masdache. There was little traffic on the main road but I turned off it to head further north towards Mount Tarnia. This byroad was carved out of the rocky lava sheets. Near the base of Mount Tarnia I turned off on another road to El Islote and then back to Tias on byroads. I had a fast descent on the main route back down to Puerto Del Carmen.

Mileage for the day was 22 with about 1500ft of climb.


Posted by Ride Leader at 5:01 PM GMT
Sunday 15 January. Lanzarote. There are Trees!

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 4:54 PM GMT
Sunday 15 Jauary. Lanzarote.Mount Tarnia

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 4:45 PM GMT
Saturday, 14 January 2006
Saturday 14 January. Lanzarote. Volcanoes Ride.
The day dawned bright and sunny again with temperatures reaching 20C.

Today I decided on a ride in the southern end of the Island where massive eruptions of many Volcanoes only 250 years ago spread a sheet of lava over a third of the Island.

The lava field is spread over a high plateau over the centre of the Island at 1000ft. This means that to get anywhere interesting on the Islands roads usually means a climb of 1000ft which makes for some good training rides.

I took a byroad south to Puerto Calero and then a steady climb inland to cross the main road at a roundabout. Then the real climb started on a byroad to La Asomada. The gradient was about 12 percent for 2 Kilometers and the summit was reached at 1150ft. Near the top an old villager said something to me which I didn’t understand in my non existent Spanish but I decided must have been “Well done, bravo” or maybe it was “you silly tourist, why do you ride a bike up this hill”

After a short descent to the Uga to Teguise road I turned off heading north towards Mancha Blanca and the other coast. Here there is a vast plain of lava rocks too recent to be broken down into soil with volcanic cones shattered by the force of the eruptions on each side.

From Mancha Blanca I took a road west into the Timanfaya National Park. This road is not far from Club La Santa, Sports Training Centre on the north coast and is base for many cyclists here for winter training. I greeted many coming in the opposite direction. Several also came past me with ease. I decided they were probably 20 to 30 years younger.

I then headed south again on a dead straight road through the lava fields to Yaiza. Then an unavoidable 2 miles of main road before turning off on the byroad to Puerto Calero. I went down to the Marina for a cafe lunch before continuing the last 3 miles back to base.

Mileage for the day was 31 with about 2000ft of climbing.


Posted by Ride Leader at 7:12 PM GMT
Updated: Saturday, 14 January 2006 7:15 PM GMT
Riding up to Asomada

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 6:54 PM GMT
Shattered volcanic cone

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 6:54 PM GMT
Riding towards Timanfaya

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 6:54 PM GMT
A sea of lava laps against the hills

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 6:45 PM GMT
Friday, 13 January 2006
Friday 13 January. Lanzarote . Puerto del Carmen to Costa Teguise and back to Puerto del Carmen.
For anybody not aware of this I arrived in Lanzarote last Tuesday and I am staying here for 8 weeks as a winter avoidance measure. I am based at an Apartment in Puerto del Carmen. Wednesday and Thursday were cloudy but dry but temps still up to 17C.

Today was more like it with a bright sunny day and temps up to 21C.

Today’s destination for lunch was Costa Teguise up the coast to the north but with the busy capital of Arrecife in the way I took an inland route with lots of climbing to the central plateau at 1000ft.

My route out took estate roads round the north end of Puerto del Carmen to a quiet lane up to Tias and then across to the high point of San Bartolome. The many hills I passed near were the remnants of old Volcanoes giving a stark and desolate feel to the landscape.

Then a nice long gradual downhill on a main route but quiet road to Tahiche and more of a climb from here before descending to Costa Teguise. This is a modern resort but the Buildings are all low rise in keeping with most of Lanzarote. I stopped for a picnic lunch on the prom near the central beach which is a beautiful rocky cove.

The return took in a long gentle climb to the main coast road. The new road was in course of construction the last time I was here 2 years ago. I crossed to the parallel old road which had no traffic. Then I turned off inland and another climb via Teseguite to the old capital of Teguise at 1000ft.

Then a long straight road south back to San Bartolome and a little byroad south from Masdache winding its way between volcanoes back to Tias and a long fast descent back to base.

I finished the day with some sunbathing beside the pool until 5.00.

The days ride was 45 miles with about 3500ft of climbing.


Posted by Ride Leader at 8:17 PM GMT
Updated: Friday, 13 January 2006 8:27 PM GMT
Costa Teguise Beach

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 7:45 PM GMT
Byroad between Volcanoes on the way back

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 7:45 PM GMT
Sunday, 8 January 2006
Sunday 8 January 2006. Mince Pie Ride.
Weather today was dry early on but then started raining about 9.30 and was wet the rest of the day with moderate continuous rain over the middle of the day.

We met for coffee, mince pies and a table full of food at Phil and Mary’s house in Runcton. When I rode up from Pagham the rain was very light. Gradually more people arrived until we had a record turnout of 36. A few arrived by car but most came by bike.

We enjoyed the warmth of the log fire, the conversation and the food as the rain grew heavier outside. The original plan was to go to the Winterton Arms for lunch and then Avryl’s in Tangmere for tea and more mince pies. However as the Pub and Avryl’s are fairly close there didn’t seem a lot of point in this with the weather so bad so we stayed on with Phil and Mary until 12.30 and then rode direct to Avryl’s.

After another 2-3 hours of seasonal food and conversation we headed home to conclude quite a hard day!

My mileage for the day from and back to home was 15.


remote Posted by Ride Leader at 6:36 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 8 January 2006 6:41 PM GMT
Mince Pie Ride. Not riding anywhere very fast.

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 6:00 PM GMT
Mince Pie Ride.Phils Garage. Getting dressed for the rain.

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 5:54 PM GMT
Mince Pie Ride. Wet clothes steam up Avryl's conservatory

remote Posted by Ride Leader at 5:54 PM GMT

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