Bognor/Chichester CTC Club Ride Notes
Sunday, 24 July 2005
Sunday 24 July, 9.30 Chichester start to Wickham, Hants
Colin led this ride on behalf of Arthur who was away. Weather was torrential rain with strong winds in the morning but clearing to sunny spells in the afternoon. Only new member Mike Trussler turned up to join Colin. The group stopped for elevenses at Horndean Garden Centre and then went on to Wickham for lunch at a Pub. Edwin for Colin
Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Saturday, 30 July 2005 2:23 PM BST
Sunday 24 July , 10.00 Chichester start to Westbourne
With strong wind and torrential rain not clearing in the end until lunchtime, this Ride was cancelled. Edwin for Alan
Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Saturday, 30 July 2005 2:22 PM BST
Saturday, 23 July 2005
A new post has been made for Sunday July 10 by Avryl which I have edited to put it in the right order. Find it by scrolling down to the 10th. Edwin
Posted by Ride Leader
at 5:51 PM BST
Updated: Saturday, 23 July 2005 5:59 PM BST
Thursday, 21 July 2005
WEDNESDAY 20 JULY 2005 - Evening Ride: Felpham to The Bader Arms, Tangmere
Four riders left The Fox in glorious evening sunshine, although in an attempt to tack against quite a strong headwind we followed a north-westerly route. I was stand in leader for Edwin, who was unable to make it. We skirted north Bognor and passed the thatched properties of North Bersted conservation area, noting that the village pond had succumbed to this long spell of dry weather and completely dried up. We then headed via Shripney and Woodgate to Hook Lane and Aldingbourne village, where we paused to read the newly placed information board at Aldingbourne Tote Copse Link to website,and carry out some minor adjustments to Val's new bike. A quick cut along the bridleway which was once part of the reserve runway at RAF Tangmere brought us out to the Air museum and direct to the Bader Arms. Once again the Chichester contingent (both of them) had pipped us to the post. Our return route was via Oving and Colworth; by this time the wind had dropped and the view across open country was spectacular, with a full harvest moon low in the sky to the east, and the sunset still glowing behind us. From Tangmere we did not see another moving vehicle until reaching the cycle track at Elbridge. Total mileage recorded back to the start point was 16.8. Graham

Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:07 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 22 July 2005 12:01 PM BST
Sunday, 17 July 2005
Sunday 17 July, Chichester Start
There were 4 riders starting from Chichester, the leaders Freda and Jim and Avryl and Mike Trussler. Weather was very good with fine sunny skies. The group rode out via Cocking and stopped at the Moonlight Cafe for elevenses. The ride continued on lanes via Bepton to the Half Moon and met up with Alan and Eric who made their own way and the group from Walberton Pond, Colin and Gill. The return route joined the others on a track round the back of Cowdrey to Amersham. The groups then split with the Chichester group heading back on the Heyshott Cocking lane to stop for tea at West Dean Gardens. Edwin for Freda
Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:01 AM BST
Sunday 17 July, Walberton start
There were 2 on this ride, Jill and the leader Colin. Weather was fair and warm. An elevenses stop was missed out and the group went straight to lunch at the Half Moon, Midhurst. Edwin for Colin
Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Saturday, 30 July 2005 2:18 PM BST
Saturday, 16 July 2005
Saturday 16 July. A Saturday Ride in Tuscany
This a a days ride in the latter part of a 2 week tour of Tuscany and its neighbouring region of Romagna. The days ride started fom our base for the last few days of Sestola at over 3000ft. The day started as had the last few days with unbroken clear blue skies and temperatures reaching over 30C. On the trip there was myself , the organiser Dave Fox and a friend of Dave's from Somerset. Mike Green. We started with a long downhill to Pievepelago. We stopped here for picnic provisions. This was also the start of the 1500 metres climb to the Radici Pass. As we stopped to check the junction at the bottom an Italian Cyclist stopped to advise us on the route in impeccable English. We then had a 10 mile climb but the heat wasn't too excessive thanks to lots of trees and a cooling breeze. We stopped for elevenses half way up at Sant Anne Pelago and then a picnic lunch at the top of the pass. Dave Fox on the climbWe then continued on a minor road which involved steep gradients for another 100 metres. We then had a steep descent in dramatic scenery to the next valley. Brake rims heated up on downhill gradients registering up to 22% on my Cyclo Altitude bike computer. We stopped for a pleasant shaded tea at a bar half way down at Chiozza and then headed down the mountain to the main valley road. We then needed to find our accommodation which had been booked at a place called Ill Cicero rather than the nearby mountain town of Bargo which was booked up due to a music festival. The only problem with the accommodation was the 2 mile driveway up the side of the mountain up its own set of multiple hairpins. We arrived very hot and sweaty at what turned out to be a 4 star hotel. When we signed the checkin forms I left a pool of sweat on the counter to some disapproving glares from the receptionist. We finished the day with a welcome swim and sunbathe with beautiful views to the mountains across the valley and to the adjoining hilltop town of Barga. Ride RewardPrice was reasonable for the quality at 149 euros for 3 of us. Mileage for the day was 41.35 and the days total climbing was 4074 ft. Edwin

Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 19 July 2005 12:40 PM BST
Friday, 15 July 2005
THURSDAY 14 JULY 2005 - Evening Ride: Felpham The Fox to The
Murrell Arms, Barnham
In perfect weather, 6 riders set out from Felpham and followed a circuitous route via Bognor Golf club across the tracks to the hamlet of Flansham, crossing the unspoilt country and wheat fields on which it is proposed to plant 600 new houses plus the associated Bognor by-pass. We then proceeded via Worms lane, Larks field, Arun Chase and Bilsham to Yapton. From Tack Lee Bridge we then took the towpath of the old canal before returning to the tarmac at Barnham mill, then following Mill Lane and Church Lane direct to the Murrell Arms. On arrival we found the Chichester contingent had got there just ahead of us. The return route was direct via Yapton, Middleton and Felpham and approximate round-trip mileage was 15. Graham

Posted by Ride Leader
at 11:41 AM BST
Sunday, 10 July 2005
Sunday July 10 05
This was scheduled as a 30ml easy ride. Richard Carlisle was unable to lead and delegated to me. It was an unusually hot day but nevertheless there was a good turnout. The numbers fluctuated somewhat owing to the temporary loss of 2 cyclists who were overkeen, racing ahead and missing the turning and then one who went to find them. 3 others joined us at different stages. Overall there were 11 which included 3 new faces. Assured that the newcomers could manage a few hills we took the route to Arundel via Eartham, Slindon, Madehurst and Whiteways,stopping for breaks at Eartham and Whiteways. We had 2 punctures en route giving us a long stop amongst the hoards of motorcyclists gathered at Whiteways. Onwards,-flying downhill to Arundel and the Putting Green. It was a pleasant surprise to find plenty of free tables and with welcome umbrellas to give us shade. Our return route was via Binsted Woods, Walberton and Drayton with people dispersing on the way. Total mileage 30mls. Avryl Bavister

Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Saturday, 23 July 2005 5:45 PM BST
Saturday, 9 July 2005
Saturday tea ride
Saturday teas ride to the Earnley Butterfly farm, was enjoyed by three club members and three visitors. We went via Birdham Marina, Bell lane and to Earnley. Home through Almondington to Siddlesham Common and the Yacht Basin, then back to Chichester via Appuldram lane, weather dull to start but sunny on the way home 19 and a half miles and very windy. Kath
Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:01 AM BST
Wednesday, 6 July 2005
Wednesday 6 July. Evening Ride. Chichester Start
This was the 6.00 pm start from Chichester and only the leader Jeff and Avryl attended. It was decided not to go to Dell Quay for a meal and Jeff instead led a 1 1/2 hour ride round some of the tracks of the Manhood peninsular. Edwin for Jeff
Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Thursday, 28 July 2005 9:55 AM BST
WEDNESDAY 6JULY 2005 - Evening Ride: Felpham start
Just a brief note about this ride, which was advertised as "nominate leader on the day". In the event this turned out to be a ladies only ride, with Val, Karen and Janet setting out from the start point In good weather. The group rode via Bognor seafront, to The Waverley at Aldwick, which allowed plenty of time before the return journey. Graham

Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Saturday, 23 July 2005 8:41 PM BST
Sunday, 3 July 2005
Sunday 3 July. The Cricketers Wisborough Green
This ride was nominate leader on the day and Harvey did the honours. Other riders attending were Avryl, Jill and Richard. Richard had to go back from the elevenses stop. Weather was overcast but dry. The ride was via Whiteways and Amberley to stop for elevenses at Wiggonholt. The ride continued to Wisborough Green via West Chiltington. The afternoon tea stop was again at Wiggonholt. Edwin for Harvey
Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:01 AM BST
Sunday 3rd July. A Sunday Ride in Jersey.
Today was part of a 5 day trip where I joined Jeff and Beatrice Lander exploring the Channel Island of Jersey. Weather was warm and Sunny about 22c. We were staying at the new YHA at Gorey on the east coast. The YHA had converted the premises previously used for the filming of Bergarac's Offices. The premises are also close to the famous Mount Orgueil Castle dominating Gorey Harbour. Our ride today was across to the far SW corner. We first headed across to St Hellier on the Southern coast taking one of 7 signed cycle routes which criss cross the Island. The main roads can be busy but there is a great network of minor roads. Many of these are the Islands "Green Lanes". These are very narrow, often only just a cars width and with a speed limit of 15mph. As a result very few cars use them. Our first stop of the day was to visit Elizabeth Castle built on a rock in the bay off St Hellier and only accessible 2 hours either side of low tide by walking along a causeway. The Causeway to Elizabeth CastleWe continued the ride on the cyclepath along the prom around the bay to stop for Lunch at St Aubins. In the afternoon we took in the views from the Portelet Peninsular with German Gun emplacements. Then on to the far SW corner and a tea stop at Corbiere Point overlooking the lighthouse. Cycling the St Hellier Prom cyclepathWe returned to St Hellier via a Cyclepath on an old railway path and then headed inland and back on more signed cycle routes on lanes. Edwin

Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 12 July 2005 11:16 AM BST
Thursday, 30 June 2005
THURSDAY 30 JUNE 2005 - Evening Ride: Felpham, The Fox to Newburgh Arms Slindon
Due to adverse weather conditions, (high wind and heavy downpours - what else can you expect in June?) this ride was abandoned at the start point. Graham

Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Saturday, 23 July 2005 8:42 PM BST
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4 Oct, 10 > 10 Oct, 10
8 Jan, 07 > 14 Jan, 07
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11 Dec, 06 > 17 Dec, 06
4 Dec, 06 > 10 Dec, 06
20 Nov, 06 > 26 Nov, 06
6 Nov, 06 > 12 Nov, 06
23 Oct, 06 > 29 Oct, 06
16 Oct, 06 > 22 Oct, 06
2 Oct, 06 > 8 Oct, 06
25 Sep, 06 > 1 Oct, 06
18 Sep, 06 > 24 Sep, 06
11 Sep, 06 > 17 Sep, 06
4 Sep, 06 > 10 Sep, 06
28 Aug, 06 > 3 Sep, 06
21 Aug, 06 > 27 Aug, 06
14 Aug, 06 > 20 Aug, 06
7 Aug, 06 > 13 Aug, 06
31 Jul, 06 > 6 Aug, 06
24 Jul, 06 > 30 Jul, 06
17 Jul, 06 > 23 Jul, 06
10 Jul, 06 > 16 Jul, 06
3 Jul, 06 > 9 Jul, 06
26 Jun, 06 > 2 Jul, 06
19 Jun, 06 > 25 Jun, 06
5 Jun, 06 > 11 Jun, 06
29 May, 06 > 4 Jun, 06
15 May, 06 > 21 May, 06
8 May, 06 > 14 May, 06
1 May, 06 > 7 May, 06
24 Apr, 06 > 30 Apr, 06
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3 Apr, 06 > 9 Apr, 06
27 Mar, 06 > 2 Apr, 06
20 Mar, 06 > 26 Mar, 06
13 Mar, 06 > 19 Mar, 06
6 Mar, 06 > 12 Mar, 06
27 Feb, 06 > 5 Mar, 06
20 Feb, 06 > 26 Feb, 06
13 Feb, 06 > 19 Feb, 06
6 Feb, 06 > 12 Feb, 06
30 Jan, 06 > 5 Feb, 06
23 Jan, 06 > 29 Jan, 06
16 Jan, 06 > 22 Jan, 06
9 Jan, 06 > 15 Jan, 06
2 Jan, 06 > 8 Jan, 06
26 Dec, 05 > 1 Jan, 06
19 Dec, 05 > 25 Dec, 05
12 Dec, 05 > 18 Dec, 05
5 Dec, 05 > 11 Dec, 05
28 Nov, 05 > 4 Dec, 05
21 Nov, 05 > 27 Nov, 05
14 Nov, 05 > 20 Nov, 05
7 Nov, 05 > 13 Nov, 05
31 Oct, 05 > 6 Nov, 05
24 Oct, 05 > 30 Oct, 05
17 Oct, 05 > 23 Oct, 05
10 Oct, 05 > 16 Oct, 05
26 Sep, 05 > 2 Oct, 05
19 Sep, 05 > 25 Sep, 05
12 Sep, 05 > 18 Sep, 05
5 Sep, 05 > 11 Sep, 05
29 Aug, 05 > 4 Sep, 05
22 Aug, 05 > 28 Aug, 05
15 Aug, 05 > 21 Aug, 05
8 Aug, 05 > 14 Aug, 05
1 Aug, 05 > 7 Aug, 05
25 Jul, 05 > 31 Jul, 05
18 Jul, 05 > 24 Jul, 05
11 Jul, 05 > 17 Jul, 05
4 Jul, 05 > 10 Jul, 05
27 Jun, 05 > 3 Jul, 05
20 Jun, 05 > 26 Jun, 05
13 Jun, 05 > 19 Jun, 05
31 Dec, 01 > 6 Jan, 02