Bognor/Chichester CTC Club Ride Notes
Thursday, 20 July 2006
Evening Ride: The Black Horse, Binsted (Felpham start)
After a poor start to the season, the weather for the last few evening rides has been excellent, and tonight was no exception. A blisteringly hot day had cooled down a little, and with no wind, riding conditions were perfect. Four of us set out from the Fox - Julian, Val, Alan, and myself - and we threaded our way through the housing estates of Felpham and Middleton, heading to Binsted via Yapton, Ford Lane and Ford. After Ford station we turned into Tortington and began the short, but noticeable, ascent into the foothills of the South Downs, before turning south again for the descent into Binsted Woods. At the very bottom of the hill, the tarmac ends and the lane becomes a rough stony track. Caution is required in order to avoid an unplanned dip into Binsted Lake, presided over by the mysterious shrine to the Madonna. This part of the wood is always a very lonely spot and with the sun slowly setting as we arrived, it did seem to be particularly atmospheric tonight. We did not linger, but climbed up the hill past the ancient ruins of Tortington Manor, to re-join the tarmac, and, eventually, the lane ended up at the pub. No Chichester contingent this week, but we were joined later by Edwin, fresh from his time trialling, who came all the way back with us. For the return route I followed a more direct line over Hedgers Hill and back to Yapton via North End. From Yapton it was straight to Felpham via Middleton Road. Mileage from the Fox, back to the Fox, a modest 18. Graham
Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Sunday, 23 July 2006 12:36 AM BST
Sunday, 16 July 2006
Sunday 16 July. Chichester start ride to Ayling Garden Centre,
Another day of cloudless blue skies and temperatures rising to about 28C. I was leading the ride and Avryl and Harvey joined me at the Cross with Adrian meeting us at Compton. We rode via West Ashling and Funtington to stop for elevenses at Compton Stores. We continued with a fairly easy climb up the southern side of Harting Hill and then a sharp descent to Harting Village. We saw a large group of veteran motorbikes coming towards us. I heard my name shouted and saw Richard Carlisle in the group. We continued via Nyewood and then a narrow quiet country lane to Trotton. At the Garden Centre John Maxim was waiting for us and we were later joined by Alan and Liz who came direct and then Colin and Gill the Walberton Pond starters. Sam and Graham joined us after riding large parts of Hampshire first. The meeting of Cyclists was completed when Arun Adur members joined us led By Ernie. We headed back on lanes via Didling and Cocking to stop for tea at West Dean Gardens. My mileage for the day from Pagham was 53 Edwin

Posted by Ride Leader
at 7:09 PM BST
Sunday 16 July. Elevenses at Compton

Posted by Ride Leader
at 6:53 PM BST
Sunday 16 July. Getting ready to leave the Garden Centre at Trotton

Posted by Ride Leader
at 6:50 PM BST
Wednesday, 12 July 2006
Evening Ride - The Anchor, Sidelesham (Felpham start)
Another evening of excellent cycling weather with glorious sunny conditions and no wind to speak of, as 4 of us (Edwin, Julian, Janet, and myself) set off bound for Sidlesham. Our planned destination had been the "Crab & Lobster", but we had heard at the last moment that it was closed for refurbishment, so instead the ride was diverted to the nearby Anchor. We headed west right through central Bognor Regis to meet the seafront at Aldwick. The tide was out and good views were had of the Bognor Rocks, protruding like dragons teeth out of the shallow water in the distance. Then leaving the sea behind, we continued inland to Nyetimber, where we took Summer Lane and a very rural route across fields, crossing the Pagham Rife en route. From hereon it was narrow roads and farm tracks all the way. Our route via Chalder and Bramber Farm has been well established by the club for many years, although the "No Cycling" signs and "Footpath Only" notices may give the unwary the impression that cycling is discouraged. On this occasion, as we opened a gate to proceed along the lane to Bramber Farm, we saw the farmer coming towards us in his landrover. Somewhat disconcertingly he pulled up on the track ahead of us, stopped his engine, and got out, heading towards us. Never one to back away from a challenge, I nonetheless felt it prudent to allow our ever present solicitor (Edwin) to go ahead of me, whilst I attempted to integrate myself at the back of the ride. However any thoughts of confrontation were quickly dispelled as the farmer wished us good evening, commented on the fine weather, pointed us in the direction of the pub, and offered to shut the gate behind us! He then went about his business as we rode across his land, through the farmyard, crossed the route of the old Selsey tramway, and into the pub garden. As is becoming the norm, the Chichester group were already halfway through their beer as we arrived. We left the pub about 9.20pm and as it was still daylight, we headed south, then crossed the fields to to reach the edge of Pagham harbour nature reserve and cycled along the embankment back to Pagham and Bognor Regis. The harbour is an isolated place at the best of times, but in the silent twilight it becomes a very beautiful spot to cycle around. From Pagham we returned to Felpham using nearly the full length of the promenade to round off an evening of almost entirely traffic free cycling. Return mileage to Felpham was 18.5. Graham
Posted by Ride Leader
at 7:28 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 16 July 2006 12:32 AM BST
Sunday, 9 July 2006
Sunday 9 July. Tichborne near New Arlesford
Today we had a long ride from Chichester meeting up for elevenses at Tesco Cafe, Petersfield with riders coming there direct by car or bike. I led the ride in place of Phil and Mary who were not able to make it. Weather was not promising at first with constant light rain and a strong SW wind. This however cleared by 11.00 with good sunshine in the afternoon. Gillian, Colin and Chris joined me for the ride to Petersfield. We rode via Funtington, Compton and Harting. We had a welcome break at Tesco where we were joined by Steve, Ann, Adrian and John Wickens from Arun Adur. Gillian and Chris headed back from Petersfield. The remaining 6 of us headed on by way of a lane to East Meon and then along the Meon Valley to West Meon. Then along some quiet lanes to Cheriton and on to lunch at the Tichborne Arms, Tichborne. In the afternoon we did a lot of meandering up and down quiet Hampshire lanes near Privett and High Cross. The planned route was to descend down to Petersfield on the hairpin bends of " Little Switzerland" near Steep. However when we arrived at the top the road was firmly closed with 2 lots of substantial barriers preventing even bikes getting through and a notice about serious subsidence. The map was consulted and the diversion by road would have been quite long. There was a bridlepath on the map down a farm track so we headed down it. After following the ridge a little way the track plunged steeply over the edge with deep ruts and slippery chalk which we all walked down. At the bottom we rejoined tarmac at Oakshott and took winding lanes to Steep and Petersfield. Everybody agreed it was a memorable and challenging Ride. By the time I returned to Pagham my mileage was 85 and from and back to the Cross it was 73. Edwin

Posted by Ride Leader
at 8:49 PM BST
Updated: Monday, 10 July 2006 4:39 PM BST
Sunday 9 July.Outside Tesco, Petersfield

Posted by Ride Leader
at 8:34 PM BST
Sunday 9 July. Road closed

Posted by Ride Leader
at 8:32 PM BST
Sunday 9 July.Ann descends the track

Posted by Ride Leader
at 8:30 PM BST
Saturday, 8 July 2006
Saturday 8 July. Saturday Ride to Earnley Garden Centre from Chichester
Weather today was fresher than of late at about 22C and sunny with patchy cloud. Freda was unable to lead the Ride today so I led on the way out and Kath took over for the return. We had a good attendance with 10 turning out including 3 newcomers. We headed out to the Saltern Way cycle route alongside Appledram Lane and then across to the Yacht Basin. Then backroads over to Birdham and Earnley Garden Centre Cafe for Tea. Kath led the group back via Almondington and I split off for home via Sidlesham and the cross fields route to Fisher. Edwin

Posted by Ride Leader
at 9:32 PM BST
Updated: Saturday, 8 July 2006 9:38 PM BST
Saturday 8 July. On the Saltern Way near Chichester

Posted by Ride Leader
at 9:27 PM BST
Thursday, 6 July 2006
Thursday 6 July: Evening Ride to the Holly Tree Walberton (Felpham start)
Thursday 6 July 2006: evening Ride to The Holly Tree Walberton (Felpham start)
The hot weather of the previous week has broken, and tonight was much duller and cooler of late. Nonetheless there was very little wind and it made for good cycling weather. Continuing the theme of the past few weeks however, only 3 riders made the start point – Alan, Graham, and Val.
Alan led us at a gentle pace through Middleton-On Sea, Bilsham and Yapton, where we took the path around the recreation ground to the Church, and then onwards to Maypole Lane where we crossed the railway.
At this point the lane is little more than rough track, and it crosses the main line by means of an unmanned “occupation” crossing where it is necessary to open the gates manually. As we did so we noticed trains approaching from both directions. Both were at safe distances away, but the westbound service was running at considerable speed, contrasting with the eastbound train which was running at caution with a single amber aspect showing on the signal ahead.
The eastbound driver obviously had us in his sights and gave several long blasts on his horn. There have been a number of suicides on this part of the line in recent months and drivers are clearly keeping vigilant. Two of us crossed the track but I held back to await the passing of both services. For my trouble I received a prolonged blast from the fast moving westbound train, and the combined noise from both trains must surely have given the environmental health officer cause for concern.
The excitement over, we continued into Barnham, then taking the lane northwards to Walberton and the Holly Tree pub. We thought we had made good time but found the Chichester start group (5 of them) already well settled into their chairs and giving the impression they had been there all evening.
A short while later Edwin joined us direct from his time trials, and after an appropriate pause for refreshment, we departed back home taking him and John from the Chichester group back with us. The return run was direct via Blacksmith’s Corner, North End and Yapton; mileage start to finish was 15.
Graham for Alan
Posted by Ride Leader
at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Monday, 10 July 2006 4:43 PM BST
Sunday, 2 July 2006
Sunday 2nd July. DA Event. 2 Weald Ride from Wisborough Green.
Weather was sunny all day and very hot reaching about 31C. Tarmac was melting later in the day. The DA Event organised by Horsham Section involved a choice of 4 loops from Wisborough Green so members could choose from between 25 and 100 miles for the day. Phil and Mary and myself decided to go for the 100. I took the train to and from Billingshurst for the Event. Phil and Mary rode there, did the 100 and rode back, phew!! The event was well supported with 24 taking part from various Sections and doing various distances. Alan and Liz came up car assisted and did the northern loop. Nicola came up early on the same train as me and did 2 loops before the heat built up too much. Richard and Ernie rode up from Walberton Pond and met up with everyone for lunch. At the end of each loop we enjoyed the hospitality of Horsham members with comfortable seats and cold drinks and Cakes Phil and Mary and myself did the hardest loops first to the west and south and we were joined by John Maxim. After lunch we finished with the east and then north loops, enjoying over the day a wide selection of scenic lanes in the Weald between the North and South Downs. My mileage for the day including travelling to and from stations was 116. Average speed on the Event was 13.5 mph. Edwin

Posted by Ride Leader
at 9:12 PM BST
Sunday 2nd July. John and Phil and Mary riding out of Wisborough

Posted by Ride Leader
at 9:02 PM BST
Sunday 2nd July.Resting at the Wisborough Green Control

Posted by Ride Leader
at 8:59 PM BST
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